Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Watchmen= Amazing

finished it this week, thought the combination of multiple stories in one allows many thoughts and personal response by the reader. Mr. Manhatten personal transformation, and the reveling of Rorshach and his inner personalities, its a great book.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I just wanted to make this comment: I find the wording in the comic within this comic really good. For example, on page 2 of Chapter 3 it says: "Bosun Ridley lay nearby. Birds were eating his thoughts and memories."

What a nice way to explain someone's brains being pecked out by birds, huh?

Sunday, September 14, 2008


finally got it, first few chapters are amazing really pushing to read it. hoping to put pics up this week


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is it just me?

Is it just me or is it a joke that the batmen series has not explored the shear rivarlry/hatred between Batman vs Superman b4, i mean in the next movie, would that not be a great setup for the next batman, if u want to look read pages 165-199 in depth it shows their in depth love/hate relationship.

P.S. still waiting on watchmen, i hate feeling behind so when i get it im staying up all night trying to read it


Sean Wenzel

Monday, September 8, 2008

One Hell of an Ending

Watchmen is a very intriguing graphic novel. We were told to read the first two chapters of the novel for Mondays class, but i was so caught up in the reading I read the whole thing this weekend. I have to say i liked "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller alot better than this one. I think that is just because i like the way Frank Miller lays things out. Watchmen is a little slower read, but the differences between the two are very interesting. I think watchmen makes up for the slow start with one hell of an ending though.



We got batman last week finally... It was kick ass! We actually got a few of our friends to read it! We both loved it. When this started I thought that a graphic novel would be difficult to follow, but it wasn't! I am hooked! My husband read both Batman: The Return of the Dark Knight and Watchmen this weekend. I want to get Sin City now, too.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The bookstore here is worthless. They still do not have Batman. We got sick of waiting, so yesterday we just ordered it online and got overnight shipping... With $17 in shipping it still cost the same as what the bookstore charges! Grrr.... We're really behind now, but by next Monday, we'll be right on track.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Graphic Novel Newbie

Hello, i'm a graphic novel newbie and i just wanted to drop a line saying that if you've never read one i suggest you do. There fantastic, the visual projection they give allows more to the reader than a regular novel, just the first few pages of Batman the Dark Night Returns is fantastic. I'm throughly enjoying the book.